

Sunday, April 13, 2008


What is it about me that makes people think they can step on my toes and expect me to do nothing at all. I am sick and tired of such individuals who assume I am just another rug for them to rub off the mud. Who do they think they are?!

I may seem a little docile but I am not what I let people think I am. I get really angry with these individuals who make it a point to take advantage of 'weaker' people. They are low, if there is a word to describe them. They think that they are better than others when all they are is weak. Only weak people bully others and stiffarm them for their purposes.

Anyhow, they are nothing but little insects that have nothing but an overly low self esteem who draw value from instilling fear in others. Damn them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO ALL OF YOU WHO DO THIS, YOU ARE PITIFUL, AT BEST. HOPELESS AT WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why all the anger, you may ask? Well someone told me that I suppress alot of my emotions so I am letting loose right now so all those who think I am repressed had better think again.

On a lighter note. I don't hate you. So don't think my outburst is meant to frighten and distance me from others. I needed to do that. It's been too long holding in these things. I had to do it.

Well, till next time I remain forever yours truly...

1 comment:

Antoine said...

Wow, this must be me on steroids. I don't know where that came from. And I was having such a wonderful day.Hmmmm.....