

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Why is it that everytime we find ourselves in a situation that is too good to be true, we become skeptical? We deny what we feel in a hope that if indeed we block out these feelings we will get back to a sense of normalcy. How foolish we can be at times. To deny what we feel is to deny ourselves, to say that we are not what we think. Cogito, ergo sum! Another man, wrote, Je pense donc je suis! Unless we accept who we are, we are in danger of becoming our own enemies, adversaries of liars and foes to our true self. What then? Does this mean that we should succumb to feeble vibes or must we listen to the voice of reason as we do? Fear! A force so potent it cripples our thought processes and disrupts our creative self. DOUBT! To do so is to quesiton the things that we know, feel, think, love. To doubt is to forget that we have overcome before and have the potential to do it all over again. The only thing greater than fear and doubt- for doubt is borne of fear- is love, for perfect love drives out all fear. LOVE! Oh, how wonderful it is to love and even more wonderful, to be loved back. Love inspires faith, faith instills hope which is the foundation upon which dreams are built. LOVE! To be loved, to be loved, O what a feeling to be loved... Maybe I am in LOVE!!!!

1 comment:

lulu said...

you are, gone boy, gone... listen to me, you will never have your life to yourself so tread carefully...haaa that is the vice of reason, albeit this...go with your heart. :)