

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flowers in the rain

Here I am seated at my computer (I wish) looking all miserable and all. The rain has just stopped and I am sudddenly wishing it hadn't. Strange, huh? Maybe I like the rain and maybe I belong to a small clique of individuals who believe it is the best thing ever to happen to man. Then I think of flowers. Would they survive the onslaught of those heavenly drops on their fragile frames?

Why flowers, you ask? I have no idea. I might even make a dance out of it during my class today. I am instructing one so I needed a theme for the whole session. It is easier especially when you have to teach varied movement phrases. It also makes it easier for people to understand what sort of movement quality is required of them without a verbose explanation.

Enough already, I need to find a way to get them to create something along those lines. I will even call them, My Flowers In the Rain...

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